I am so not with the current thing that I am not even sure what the current thing is.


This mildly scares me because we have reached a critical point where my eight-year-old daughter knows more about her Roblox games than I know. Which means I am becoming one of those parents she will roll her eyes at. I know this for certain, as she already rolls her eyes at me.


I will also be one of those parents who she sneaks out on and goes to college ragers across town when she is 17 because I am old and clueless. But I will cross that bridge when I come to it.


Anyway, enough with me chatting, here are things I do not understand:


So…it is like Call of Duty. But you build things, too. And you are on a big map, and need to collect stuff? I think? Peter Griffin is in it now. That much I know. I also know you are ideally the  last person standing. There is no threat of me being the last person standing. My kid is not old enough to play this yet. It looks worse than Roblox, except meaner. I hate Roblox, too.

Fortnite building

I really want to emphasize my dislike of building things. Because I really do not want to do that, I am not going to build things and shoot at the same time. I deal with my fair share of teens and young adults calling me names in Call of Duty. I absolutely don’t want to build things while they try to kill me. Also, I will never win a game of this ever. There is jumping out of flying busses as well.


That is the extent of my knowledge about Fortnite. Which is neither broad nor deep.

Current Music

I have no idea what is going on with current music. I do know a song by Carly B and Megan Thee Stallion. It is the one with the pretty girl from the Kardashian show in it. I have watched that video on YouTube. But, again, threat of being looked at as a perverted sex pest. When I found out what WAP meant from my 12 year old niece I was both appalled and intrigued.


I can objectively see that the songs coming out and the people singing them are talented. However, I do not understand what they are trying to say to me. I didn’t understand what they were trying to say in the 90s, either. Therefore, I suppose my knowledge of current music is about the same as my 


knowledge of old music. Making this a good point to end this discussion.


You know who I liked and I mostly understood? Alanis Morissette. But there were a few exceptions to that rule as well. 


Like whatever was going on here.